Monday, July 30, 2007

Another Family Crisis

Last week we had a pretty bad scare with Jeff's father. Most of you know that he has kidney failure and has been on dialysis now for a few of months. Last Monday Jeff stopped by his parents' house after a job and his father collapsed and went into what they think was a seizure. Jeff called 911 and the EMTs, who arrived in minutes, had to actually shock his heart and jump start him again. They are estiamting he was out for four minutes.

He was rushed to Leonard Morse Hospital in Natick and spent Monday and Tuesday there in the ICU. No answers to what had happened. We decided that he had to move to a Boston hospital and put forth the motions to get him transfered to Mass General (that's where his kidney transplant team is too). Tuesday night around 9:30pm, he headed in to MGH via transport ambulance.

To make a long story short, he was admitted to the Cardiac Step Down Care Unit and was diagnosed with ventricular tachacardia (VT) - a very serious arythmia. Most patients who go into cardiac arrest with VT do not survive. Bucky (Jeff's dad) is like a cat - he has 9 lives. He is very lucky and we thank God Jeff was there when it happened.

He is still at MGH and is getting better. His strength is coming back but he is suffering from some short term memory issues. That too has improved dramtically from where he started off last week but he has more recovering to do.

Sometime today, he will have a defibulator inserted that will essentially shock his heart back into a normal rythm if it detects any sign of the VT. After that, we are unsure how much longer he will be in the hospital or what the follow up care will be.

3 Down, 3 More to Go

I have officially finished my third week of radiation as of last Friday. I am now halfway done. It really isn't bad. For the most part I am enjoying my quiet ride into Boston. Traffic has been a hassel only a couple of times and most often I get there in about 40 minutes. The treatment itself is quick. More times than not, they take me in early and I am done within a few minutes. It is so quick - the machine is on for about 17 seconds from the front and then another 17 seconds from the back. Mondays they take a couple of X-rays to make sure I am lined up correctly. Every Tuesday I see the doctor so that day does take longer.

All in all, not too bad.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk

In my continuing efforts to make the most of this experience, I have decided to head up a team (Team Meisner - not very original, I know) to walk in...

The American Cancer Society's
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk
October 14th, 2007 - Boston

an original poem by Anne Meisner

Lace up your shoes;
Put on your hat;
We will walk for a cure
And that will be that.

Make a donation,
Or join our team,
One dollar
Is not as small as it seems.
Any amount
Will help out a lot,
What do you say?
Give it a shot!

(Can you tell I have been reading too many Dr. Suess books to Jeffrey???)

This October, many of my friends and family members will walk on "Team Meisner" in the Making Strides Walk in Boston. Please click on this link to make a donation in support of Team Meisner or to find out more information about this event. - OR -

Consider joining Team Meisner on the walk! We are looking for as many members as we can. The more people on the team, the more money we can potentially raise!

Again, no amount is too small to make a difference.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Lyndon Byers

So again I am amazed at the continuing out pouring of support. Jeff and Steve were at Pepperocini's last Sunday and hung out with LB - Lyndon Byers, former Bruins hockey player and current 107.3 WAAF DJ. They got to talking (nothing new for Jeff) and Jeff gave him the scoop on our situation. He immediately,, without any hesitation, set to work to hold a fundraiser to help us with the costs we have accumulated from all of the medical treatments I have had. We have pretty good health insurance but cancer is expensive.

We don't have many is only in the planning stages. What LB suggested was to hold a golf tournament with a dinner and raffle afterwards - sometime in October. He has already called Sandy Burr without us even asking him to. He is going to announce whatever we decide to do on the radio and get some of his celebrity friends to join in the festivities. What the?!?!?!

I am yet again overwhelmed. The support of my family and friends have been outstanding. Now the support of strangers can be added to the list.

Stay tuned for more information......

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The 14mph drive into Boston

What fun! I can't tell you how I would rather spend my summer days...I love sitting on the Mass Pike sucking up the fumes of the car in front of me. Will this cause more health problems????

Anyway, it took my 90 minutes to make the 22 mile drive into Mass General yesterday for my radiation appointment. That averages out to be driving 14mph. I left myself an hour to get there and I ended up being a half hour late. If you know me at all, being late causes me extreme anxiety and frustration. I called ahead to let "The Team" know but they didn't care. It all works out in the end they said so not to worry about it.

The actual machine is on for a total of 30 seconds (I really did count yesterday) - 15 from the front and 15 from the back. I joked with the nurses and technicians that I was going to sit in the waiting room so the trip seemed worth the time. It is worth it I know but still. Do we need to do construction on a major road during rush hour???? I'm no traffic pattern flow expert but....please.

I got a "secret" route in for today from a friend who works at Mass General so hopefully we will avoid the mess of yesterday. Monday and Tuesday's ride was a breeze so I guess it will really average itself out over time.

If anyone has the day off and wants to spend some real quality time with me in the car, please let me know! I would love the company!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Hair Status

I feel like Collin and I are in a race to see who can get to their first haircut the soonest. He's winning. His hair blows in the breeze a little. Mine not so much. I still need to wear a hat or put sunscreen on my head so it doesn't get fried.

I by no means have any resemblence to having a full head of hair, but it is growing. I can even pull what I have - and it doesn't fall out! It's a weird feeling. It's coming just in time for Collin to start the new milestone of grabbing, pulling, and holding onto it for dear life.

I haven't had hair since mid-March now and have gotten very used to it. Enjoyed it actually. The sensation of pulling it with resistance is pretty cool. It's all fuzzy and light but there is some darker, coarser growth coming in. My head looks dirty at first glance but upon further and closer inspection one can see...I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand I am excited beyond words that I will have hair again soon. On the other hand, I am dreading the in-between phases hair goes through when one tries to grow it out. I do remember my bang phase and how awkward it was growing them out. I am also dreading having to do my hair again. Right now there is no though given to my hair. Just which bandana to wear with my outfit. I don't have to decide to wear it up or down? Curly or straight? Should I sport the mullett? Kidding on that last one.