Thursday, July 12, 2007

The 14mph drive into Boston

What fun! I can't tell you how I would rather spend my summer days...I love sitting on the Mass Pike sucking up the fumes of the car in front of me. Will this cause more health problems????

Anyway, it took my 90 minutes to make the 22 mile drive into Mass General yesterday for my radiation appointment. That averages out to be driving 14mph. I left myself an hour to get there and I ended up being a half hour late. If you know me at all, being late causes me extreme anxiety and frustration. I called ahead to let "The Team" know but they didn't care. It all works out in the end they said so not to worry about it.

The actual machine is on for a total of 30 seconds (I really did count yesterday) - 15 from the front and 15 from the back. I joked with the nurses and technicians that I was going to sit in the waiting room so the trip seemed worth the time. It is worth it I know but still. Do we need to do construction on a major road during rush hour???? I'm no traffic pattern flow expert but....please.

I got a "secret" route in for today from a friend who works at Mass General so hopefully we will avoid the mess of yesterday. Monday and Tuesday's ride was a breeze so I guess it will really average itself out over time.

If anyone has the day off and wants to spend some real quality time with me in the car, please let me know! I would love the company!

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