Friday, June 29, 2007

Aaarrrggg...Shiver me timbers

Just a funny quote confirming that young children really don't have a filter on their mouths when they speak in the moment. While at the pond yesterday with the boys sporting my bandana, another little boy a little older than Jeffrey asked his mom, "Is that lady a pirate?" Too cute. I should have played along. I think his mom was embarrassed but honestly I didn't care. It's better than the "Thank God it's not me look" I get from many adults when I am out in public (especially when the boys are in tow). I'd rather talk about it than pretend no one notices. It's like that saying (I can't remember exactly how it goes) about not mentioning the elephant standing in the room. It's there but no one wants to acknowledge it for fear it wold make others uncomfortable.

Come to think of it, I am surprised that I haven't heard other little kids ask questions like that before.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

That's too funny - "out of the mouth of babes" - is that the right quote? You should have responded "Yo ho ho, a pirate's life for me!"